Mind 2 Market

M2M – Mind 2 Market

Do you have an idea? Are you looking to own your own business? Do you want to be your own boss? Do you want to pay yourself what you believe you are worth and deserve to be paid?

Modules include:

  • Getting Started
  • Putting it all Together
  • What Do I Need to Do?
  • Off the Ground

Mind 2 Market


Online | 4 Months

This series will assist you with how to get it from your mind to the market; how to make your idea a profitable business and reality. Program modules to be presented over a series of months to help you get your business off the ground.

Are you not making the type of profits you would like to or need to? Do you know if you are profitable or could be more profitable? Are there areas where you feel cash is slipping through the cracks – holes that need to be plugged? Well, this series is for you!